July 2024

Workshop: Deep-dive into Metro Mapping

A co-production of the Metro Mapping Foundation
and the Society Personalized Healthcare

Improving care with Metro Mapping

Workshop 2024

The Metro Mapping Foundation and the Society Personalized Healthcare organized an event about Metro Mapping on July 4.

During this event:

  • Several speakers explained how they use Metro Mapping.
  • We discussed the possibilities of how Metro Mapping can be further developed.

We are happy to share the presentations from that afternoon with anyone interested in Metro Mapping.


1. Welcome Jasper Brands (designer and director of Panton), Jan Hazelzet (pediatrician and founder of the Society Personalized Healthcare)
2. Introduction Metro MappingJasper Brands, designer and director of Panton
3. A patient's perspectiveAnnemieke Bosshardt, cancer patient expert by experience
4. Digital care and internal communicationMark Mulder, internal medicine oncologist, EMC
5. Appropriate treatment planMarijke Nogarede, physician-researcher, UMCG
6. Childhood hemophilia care pathwaysAnne de Pagter, pediatric hematologist, EMC and LUMC
7. GoMedFlowPetra Kok,rheumatologist and CMIO, RdGG
8. Policies, Guidelines and Metro MapsMarc Vincent, director of Stichting Kinderoncologie Nederland (SKION)
9. Service design for healthcareDirk Snelders, professor of service design, TU Delft
10. ForumThe conversation was guided by Nico van Weert, medical sociologist and healthcare researcher
Mark Mulder (EMC), Paul van der Nat (RadboudUMC), Kees Ahaus (ESHPM), Marc Vincent (SKION), Angelique Weel (Society Personalized Healthcare), Marijke Nogarede (UMCG)

Service design

Service design is a field within design in which not one product but complete services are developed (or existing services are improved). Service designers work in the design process together with customers and the service provider. They use design methods to develop solutions for everything that is involved in service provision: the contacts between customers and service provider, the process and also all kinds of information and products that are used in the service provision. Service design is used to develop a user-friendly and consistent service that contributes to a predetermined goal.

Metro Mapping is a service design method with which care paths are (re)designed. A care path is the service that arises between a care organization and patients. Metro Mapping is being developed to support shared decision-making in a care path.